
about us

PMDCS is an integrated adaptive research and development consulting firm providing a wide range of expert-led multisectoral research, training and advisory services.

Leveraging its strategic experience in the post-conflict Somalia and the wider subregional socio-economic & political dynamics, the firm pursues a strategy which improves policy environment, enhances project management architecture & governance strategies, while strengthening institutional systems to achieve result-based objectives.


About us

Founded in 2012, the company provides technical and expert-led multisectoral consultancy services to private (for-profit and [inter-]national humanitarian and development agencies) and public institutions (local, national, bilateral and multilateral entities), strengthening capacities at policy and programmatic level. PMDCS programs cover broad areas in a) Research and policy; b) Training and Capacity development; c) Monitoring, learning, and evaluation; d) Advocacy; and d) Mediation, reconciliation and dialogue.

Our Mission

To provide a range of high-quality multisectoral consultancy services essential for developing and promoting evidence-based inclusive socio-economic growth and political stability in the Horn of Africa region.

Our Vision

Peaceful and prosperous region enjoying inclusive and equitable growth.


Our Key Strengths



We are here to help you 7 days a week and respond within 24 hours. Plus, you can find most answers to your questions right on this page.

We offer dynamic multisectoral consultancy services. We focus on

a) Research and policy; b) training and capacity development

c) Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning; d) Advocacy and

e) Mediation, reconciliation and dialogue.

These programmes cover wide areas of the general policy, advisory and training portfolio in the consultancy industry.

Prospective clients can get in touch by sending us an email at the company can also be reached on +252 63 3761427.

Driving practical change remains our guiding principles. PMDCS consultants are drawn from individuals who well-known industry titans are. We have retained topnotch scholars from leading learning and education institutions in the Greater Hon of Africa Region. All consultants’ possess at least Masters degree with over 15 years of experience, with majority having PHDs in various field, with confirmable and reputable experience.

Depending on what your organization needs, we can tailor-make service delivery specifically for the required gap. In order to avoid the generic and common solutions, PMDCS develop and design problem-appropriate response mechanism, underpinned with specific identified results requirements.

We consider it privilege to be trusted by client’s sensitive and private data. We do everything within our capacity to keep client’s data private and confidential and neither share private and privileged information nor expose clients details to all staff. Every project is assigned specific consultant(s) who sign confidentiality agreement under the Nondisclosure Agreement.

Our fee is one of the most affordable in the region. We have leveraged technology and capacities to bring down the cost to meet clients demand. Using least Cost Approach (LCA), PMDCS avoids predatory pricing. Kindly get in touch with PMDCS at is you need a quote.


Have a Question?

We are here to help you 7 days a week and respond within 24 hours. Plus, you can find most answers to your questions right on this page.